i want my former class back. bayangkan, every free time, EVERY. waktu rehat, waktu cikgu p tandas, waktu cikgu tak mai, waktu cikgu tiduq xD, waktu balik. setiap hari i wajib, mesti akan p kelas sebelah and kuat gelak-gelak ngan depa and their classmates will make angry a.k.a unhappy faces looking at me. weh, bitch! p kelas aku la weh. tukaq tempat! GOSHH! kelas aku hanya ada nabila. well, she is my best friend but i nak kawan i yang lain-lain tu. Fatin Izyan, Syafiqah,Farzana,Sakinah and others. ATIEN <3
bila waktu rehat, kami akan duduk bawah pokok yg ada meja untuk makan, and semuanya my ex-classmates dulu. we have only 20 minutes to laugh, talk and gosip. only 20 minutes. can you guys imagine? erghh!
waktu math best la masuk kelas sebelah bcoz my last grade was *. and waktu math pindah sat. itupun grade kami lainlain. so yang lain kena p kelas lain, kelas i, kelas lain. then, i am the only girl that is really bored. guess what? i always bored masa math!!
kelas i yang baru semua ada. habaq ja weh. a bitch, a person-that-is-really-good-in-buat-bagus, a girl-that-always-talk-about-her-hideous-boyfriend, a girl-that-thought-that-only-she-is-the-one-that-fucking-genius-in-her-class, a girl-that-REALLY REALLY PERASAN.
nasib baik ada sekoq joker in our class. with that girl in my class, i think i can still survive in that that class.
mimie, i really miss you.
i miss them too.i'm dieing at iltizam bodo tu.lucky (i guess) sbb ada raf,najihah,ruqya,wan n rawi
p/s:i miss you <3
they turned our class into a disaster!i just hate 2011
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