i was looking at my friends profile in facebook
and she bacame fan of this ANAN
it's a magazine
a japanese magazine
and the profile picture has picture of kamenashi kazuya
so i just clicked the "became fan'
then i saw
some japanese's celeb
was half-naked but some was fully naked
like yamapi and many more japanese's celeb
they're showing their butts and stuff
and i just looking and looking(i'm not looking at their butts!!!!!!!!!)
i saw their magazine's cover
was a picture of kamenashi kazuya

he was really hot
but some japanese's celeb was taking a picture with the naked woman and stuff
i was like
OMG! they're so disgusting!!
and kame has no woman in his pics
non of woman was with him!!
i was like
i'm glad!!!
i commented some his pics
he was really hott!!~~
awat x tgk lama2...
some japanese are like that..
aku x tengok pon depa punya tu!!
tu lah some but not KAME!!
and tegoshi~~ :DD
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