17 dis 2009,pukul 8 aku naik bas sebab nak gi Kuantan,Pahang
aku dah lah kena dok tepi 'pintu kecemasan
i was like 'OMG!!!!!"
and kalau pi kuantan
dia ada jalan u know yg belok2 tuhh
aku cam nak mati jah taw!!
aku sebenaqnya takut terkeluaq, sbab dok tepi 'pintu kecemasan'
pahtu oklah skit!!skit je lah..lol
aku mai2 hotel and terus baring katatas katil
letih gilaaa
10 jam taw aku terkurung dlm bas tuhh
nasib baik aku dok sorang hehehe :DD
kakna(sepupu aku) ajak pi rumah
erm kakak dia lah
lepas maghrib kami pi ,she and her husband ambik nik kereta unser(tu pun nak gtaw)
kami pi cam besalah
makan2 sembang2!
Friday, December 18
Saturday, December 5
i was looking at my friends profile in facebook
and she bacame fan of this ANAN
it's a magazine
a japanese magazine
and the profile picture has picture of kamenashi kazuya
so i just clicked the "became fan'
then i saw
some japanese's celeb
was half-naked but some was fully naked
like yamapi and many more japanese's celeb
they're showing their butts and stuff
and i just looking and looking(i'm not looking at their butts!!!!!!!!!)
i saw their magazine's cover
was a picture of kamenashi kazuya
he was really hot
but some japanese's celeb was taking a picture with the naked woman and stuff
i was like
OMG! they're so disgusting!!
and kame has no woman in his pics
non of woman was with him!!
i was like
i'm glad!!!
i commented some his pics
he was really hott!!~~
i was looking at my friends profile in facebook
and she bacame fan of this ANAN
it's a magazine
a japanese magazine
and the profile picture has picture of kamenashi kazuya
so i just clicked the "became fan'
then i saw
some japanese's celeb
was half-naked but some was fully naked
like yamapi and many more japanese's celeb
they're showing their butts and stuff
and i just looking and looking(i'm not looking at their butts!!!!!!!!!)
i saw their magazine's cover
was a picture of kamenashi kazuya

he was really hot
but some japanese's celeb was taking a picture with the naked woman and stuff
i was like
OMG! they're so disgusting!!
and kame has no woman in his pics
non of woman was with him!!
i was like
i'm glad!!!
i commented some his pics
he was really hott!!~~
love is in the air
i was really bored
freakin bored!!!
then i chated with my best friend in the world in fb!!!
yui (fake name)
i was chatting with her bout our friendship kot??
then she has a crushed kat sepupu dia
i think dia punya sepupu 4 tahun lagi tua dari dia kot!!
oklah tuhh
dia gtaw some of sepupu dia,
dah 3 tahun dia had crushed on him!
owh sebelum terlupa nama sepupu dia nih koji (fake name)
pahtu tiba2 adik koji ni
ntah waktu tu dia mabuk ka pa dia pi gtaw abang dia
that yui like him!!
*x taw lah apa jadi lepas tuhh*
tapi baru ni depa jumpa kat rumah nenek depa
*kat rumah nenek depa tu ada anak saudara aku,comey gileerrr!! nama dia imran*
waktu tu sepupu dia yg lain pi gtaw koji that yui likes him
pahtu koji ni just said "taw'
then yui ni mula lah panikkkk!!!!!
biasalah!! kalau aku pon panikkk!!
after that rasanya yui acted cool jelah and buat donno
pahtu waktu dia nak balik tu
sepupu dia ni bagi 1 henpon and mintak letak no. yui dalam that henpon..
so dia masukkan jelah
and masa tu baru dia taw tu henpon koji
so she really panikk!!!!!
after that sepupu dia mai and kata
that koji said thx and bagus something like that lah!!
tapi kalau kita pikir balik
aku rasa koji ni memang suki kat yui lah!!!
and baru ni kan dpt UPSR's result
yui ni dapat 5a
tapi that koji x dapat *sepatutnya laki lagi pandai.....x pelah dah takdir*
and dia kan dpt no. yui
dia kata congrats and stuff
and yui kata thx and
dia bls balik sama2 *x romantik langsung lol*
tapi koji tu pendek(yui yg gtaw aku)!!! :DDD
better than my teshi2
hahahahaah :DDDD
ps-aku tulis benda ni sbab boring and nak shared gak pasal kwn aku nihh!!!
the moral of the stories-kalau suka kat sorang tu jgn gtaw org yg x leh percaya!!
kepada sepa2 yg kenal aku!!-cuba teka sepa 'yui' nihh!!! o.O
i was really bored
freakin bored!!!
then i chated with my best friend in the world in fb!!!
yui (fake name)
i was chatting with her bout our friendship kot??
then she has a crushed kat sepupu dia
i think dia punya sepupu 4 tahun lagi tua dari dia kot!!
oklah tuhh
dia gtaw some of sepupu dia,
dah 3 tahun dia had crushed on him!
owh sebelum terlupa nama sepupu dia nih koji (fake name)
pahtu tiba2 adik koji ni
ntah waktu tu dia mabuk ka pa dia pi gtaw abang dia
that yui like him!!
*x taw lah apa jadi lepas tuhh*
so aku ambik gambar koizora nih
but koji tu x sehensem miura haruma (laki dlm gambar tu)
but koji tu x sehensem miura haruma (laki dlm gambar tu)
tapi baru ni depa jumpa kat rumah nenek depa
*kat rumah nenek depa tu ada anak saudara aku,comey gileerrr!! nama dia imran*
waktu tu sepupu dia yg lain pi gtaw koji that yui likes him
pahtu koji ni just said "taw'
then yui ni mula lah panikkkk!!!!!
biasalah!! kalau aku pon panikkk!!
after that rasanya yui acted cool jelah and buat donno
pahtu waktu dia nak balik tu
sepupu dia ni bagi 1 henpon and mintak letak no. yui dalam that henpon..
so dia masukkan jelah
and masa tu baru dia taw tu henpon koji
so she really panikk!!!!!
after that sepupu dia mai and kata
that koji said thx and bagus something like that lah!!
tapi kalau kita pikir balik
aku rasa koji ni memang suki kat yui lah!!!
and baru ni kan dpt UPSR's result
yui ni dapat 5a
tapi that koji x dapat *sepatutnya laki lagi pandai.....x pelah dah takdir*
and dia kan dpt no. yui
dia kata congrats and stuff
and yui kata thx and
dia bls balik sama2 *x romantik langsung lol*
tapi koji tu pendek(yui yg gtaw aku)!!! :DDD
better than my teshi2
hahahahaah :DDDD
ps-aku tulis benda ni sbab boring and nak shared gak pasal kwn aku nihh!!!
the moral of the stories-kalau suka kat sorang tu jgn gtaw org yg x leh percaya!!
kepada sepa2 yg kenal aku!!-cuba teka sepa 'yui' nihh!!! o.O
current mode:
Friday, December 4
girls just wanna have fun :DD
today i went to queensbay mall with ikhlas and parrvesh!!
kami janji jumpa kat borders pukul 2.15 petang tapi aku mai pukul 2.30
sbab kakak aku dok mandi lah,mekaplahh!! tu yg lama skit!!
kesian parr sbab kena tunggu lama :((
then,ikhlas pun mai lambat nak dekat2 pukul 3
sbab x dak parking!!! hahahahahah :DD
macam pukul 3.30 dia mai
then dia bawak adik dia pi borders sbab adik dia nak ikut sangat so dia hantar
pahtu tiba2 adik dia call dia and *ntahlah apa yg dia ckp*
and dia kena g toilet so ikhlas pun pi balik borders and bawak adik dia pi tandas then antar ke mak dia (yg tengah urut) kat qb..
masa dia antar and all those stuff
me and parr pi macD and ate some sundae *yum2*
waktu tu ada sorang chinese ni CUTEEE GILERR~~~~~
dia pakai baju putih and jeans
but he was cute*kame is more cute..lol*
pahtu kami ckp pasal UPSR and skolah menengah
then kami pi borders (me and parr)
kami jumpa satu teddy bear nihh cute gilerrr (comel dari chinese tuh)
then parr tangkap gambar teddy bear tu
tiba2 ikhlas call parr and tanya kami kat mana
then dia ckplahh!!!
after that,kami tiga2 jumpa balik!!! pahtu tiba2 aku dahaga sbab makan sundae tuhh
then aku beli kat nelson's and beli ice lemon tea(me likey)
then pi plak secret recipe sbab parr nak beli milk shake then dok kat situ and sembang skit kat situhh!!!
then aku ajak parr and ikhlas pi beli takoyaki!~
tapi baris panjang gak!! tapi tunggu jelah!!
then kami semua makan kat food court *x tahan nak makan dahh!*
lepas tu aku and ikh makan that takoyaki but parr x suka
so kami dua org yg makan!! :DDD
then after that aku dahaga plak so aku beli ice lemon tea lagi!!*aku suka ice lemon tea*
after that kakak call guna no.ikh and kata kena balik skarang (5.25) sepatutnya bali pukul 6 sbab my otousan kena pi KL pukul 6.30....balik jelah and said bye to parr and ikh~~
ahh letih gila skarang sakit kaki bebb!!
tapi it was really fun!~ i really enjoyed it!!
today i went to queensbay mall with ikhlas and parrvesh!!
kami janji jumpa kat borders pukul 2.15 petang tapi aku mai pukul 2.30
sbab kakak aku dok mandi lah,mekaplahh!! tu yg lama skit!!
kesian parr sbab kena tunggu lama :((
then,ikhlas pun mai lambat nak dekat2 pukul 3
sbab x dak parking!!! hahahahahah :DD
macam pukul 3.30 dia mai
then dia bawak adik dia pi borders sbab adik dia nak ikut sangat so dia hantar
pahtu tiba2 adik dia call dia and *ntahlah apa yg dia ckp*
and dia kena g toilet so ikhlas pun pi balik borders and bawak adik dia pi tandas then antar ke mak dia (yg tengah urut) kat qb..
masa dia antar and all those stuff
me and parr pi macD and ate some sundae *yum2*
waktu tu ada sorang chinese ni CUTEEE GILERR~~~~~
dia pakai baju putih and jeans
but he was cute*kame is more cute..lol*
pahtu kami ckp pasal UPSR and skolah menengah
then kami pi borders (me and parr)
kami jumpa satu teddy bear nihh cute gilerrr (comel dari chinese tuh)
then parr tangkap gambar teddy bear tu
tiba2 ikhlas call parr and tanya kami kat mana
then dia ckplahh!!!
after that,kami tiga2 jumpa balik!!! pahtu tiba2 aku dahaga sbab makan sundae tuhh
then aku beli kat nelson's and beli ice lemon tea(me likey)
then pi plak secret recipe sbab parr nak beli milk shake then dok kat situ and sembang skit kat situhh!!!
then aku ajak parr and ikhlas pi beli takoyaki!~
tapi baris panjang gak!! tapi tunggu jelah!!
then kami semua makan kat food court *x tahan nak makan dahh!*
lepas tu aku and ikh makan that takoyaki but parr x suka
so kami dua org yg makan!! :DDD
then after that aku dahaga plak so aku beli ice lemon tea lagi!!*aku suka ice lemon tea*
after that kakak call guna no.ikh and kata kena balik skarang (5.25) sepatutnya bali pukul 6 sbab my otousan kena pi KL pukul 6.30....balik jelah and said bye to parr and ikh~~
ahh letih gila skarang sakit kaki bebb!!
tapi it was really fun!~ i really enjoyed it!!
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