february is coming. it's been quite tough january for me. you know. i jumped from third class to first. one word. horrible.
that feelingz. ahhh. wordless.
last weekend, we went to ipoh. bukan untuk jumpa opah or pergi makan-makan rumah mak lang. my mom sent us to a motivasi. its quite well-known.
one thing. one freaking thing that still stuck in my mind.
'Belajar lah kerana Allah'
you know what, dulu, aku study sebab nak duit atau hadiah . dulu aku study nak orang puji. dulu aku study sebab sebab..ermmmm.
itulah membezakan kita dengan orang kafir. orang kafir study maybe because of dunia or what. tapi kita islam kita belajar kerana Allah.
there's another.
'do the best'
soal dapat tak dapat itu number dua. buat yang terbaik. study gila-gila. and banyakkan berdoa dan bangun pagi-pagi buat solat sunat.
waktu abang or kakak aku exam mak aku slalu cakap
'do the best and let Allah do the rest'

ada sorang minah post. haish budak zmn skarang. science bab 4 form three. a must-read chapter.
let me get this straight, skarang aku holiday. and and and aku punya pencil case pnya zip putus. eff.